Trimmerhoved Husqvarna R25B i gruppen Husqvarna Skov og have produkter / Husqvarna Buskryddere & Trimmers / Tilbehør buskryddere & trimmers / Trimmerhoveder hos GPLSHOP (5341618-02)
Trimmerhoved Husqvarna R25B
Varenr: 5341618-02

Trimmerhoved Husqvarna R25B

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  • Information
  • Husqvarna Trimmer Head R25 with Rapid Replace streamlines and simplifies the trimmer line reloading process. Enables quick reload of trimmer line without dissembling the head. Simply align, feed and twist the knob and be back to trimming in no time! When the line is too short – tap the trimmer head to the ground to feed out new line. Easy and reliable!
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